About Us
the ADI story
Inspiration came during a particularly challenging job where we were required to deal with a difficult to locate leak in an inaccessible under-floor pipe. We realised that the equipment and methodology currently available on the market was simply not enough to meet what was obviously a growing problem: finding and fixing leaks with the minimal amount of disruption and damage to a customer’s property.
Our lead engineer, Adrian, has always had a passion for problem solving, and was determined to find a way to resolve these issues without the need for digging up floors in exploratory investigations. We saw this as our opportunity to offer something that would really make us stand out from the crowd. We invested a great deal of time and money into developing the innovative techniques that are at the heart of ADI’s success today.

Our solution was a range of methods and technology that mimics the human senses, albeit in a much more powerful form. A whole range of new and exciting equipment became part of our tool kits, as well as a number of devices of our own bespoke design. We were soon able to offer a service that put us way ahead of the competition.
Since then, we have also learnt to apply our techniques to swimming pool filtration systems and pool structures. ADI is now proud to be the only SPATA (Swimming Pool and Allied Trades Association) approved leak detection company in the UK.
It was not long before we realised that our new model was something that could be easily replicated anywhere in the world so that others like ourselves could enjoy the same success that we have.
This is where you come in.